Welcome to my Never Quit Climbing blog

A practical, inspirational blog designed to encourage and give hope to people who are climbing mountains of rock and granite or ones life has put in their way.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A New Year Begs For A Life Revolution

Recently my wife and I spent some time at my sister-in-law's home having enjoyed several days of family time. And I found myself thinking a lot about how blessed I've been to have first lived this many decades (don’t ask) and second to have the family I've enjoyed for so many years.

However, while some of my life’s journey was beyond my control, I'm also grateful that at various turns on my journey people have encouraged me to both evaluate where I've been and to regularly reconsider where I'm going. 

So during this New Year season I want to encourage you not just make some casual resolutions that you will probably forget about in a week or two. What if this year you thought about just one major new direction that you will take this year in your marriage, parenting, or life climb?

What if you said, "I'm not going to settle for this being just one more year of my life? Instead, I'm going to do something different, something more life-changing that will make a difference in the life of someone else and matter more for eternity."

Maybe it will involve the fulfillment of a personal dream. Dreams are often those things that would best use our skills and resources anyway while breathing new life into our everyday world. Perhaps you could serve others through giving your time and talents in the community, your church or city.

Maybe there is a local or foreign mission that needs your specific skill set and passion where hundreds, even thousands of people would be changed as a result. The possibilities are endless.

You see most of us tend to get into ruts that are comfortable in many ways but that have stymied our personal and family growth. It's hard to find a new way to look at life and your future when all you can see are the walls of the long bunker you've lived in for a long time.

Our marriages and families could discover new energy and excitement if we'll just take time to ponder how our direction might change and our purposes could be fulfilled.

That’s why I want to encourage you to consider a New Year’s revolution this year.

Where would you begin? Well, you might start by simply answering these questions:

What have I always wanted to do that I've never done before? You know, develop a Bucket List! Sometimes those goals can lead to creative and intriguing ideas that could literally turn your life around.

Second, what passions and talents do I have that could be used to help someone else?  Don’t limit yourself to the usual. There are places waiting for your specific skills all over the world or right at home. I just returned from my fourteenth trip to Russia where musicians, artists, technicians and leaders all got to share their skills for 11 days.

Third, has anything - a cause, need or person - been gnawing away at me lately and occupied a lot of my thinking? 

Some careful thinking, pondering and praying with a spouse, friend and even older children could help give you a whole new direction and turn your former resolutions into a life revolution.

Whatever you do, start somewhere! Don't let this next year just be another 365 days of the same. God made you and me to be difference makers so dare to be different. You won't regret your decision, I promise.

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