Lots of people suffer through tragedy. Most of us probably have. Thankfully in most cases friends and family run to our side to help, to listen, to encourage and help us walk through the early days of our pain. They help us prepare for the funeral, the job change, the move or some other new circumstances.
However, before too long those people are gone or least far less present. They must return to their world, their job, their life. But our hurt continues, our new world will possibly be with us for the rest of our lives. At times it even makes us mad that the people around us just carry on with life as though nothing happened.
It's during these times that we must make a commitment to stay healthy, to keep moving and to heal especially when a lot of our support system is gone.
Let me suggest a couple of important steps we must take. Get counseling. Find someone you trust, a therapist, pastor, counselor or whoever who you will continue to talk to openly about your struggle. They know how to listen, advise, encourage and care. And they will make time for it. We can't expect others to drop everything and continue to stay as close to us as they were during the early days of our struggle.
Second, keep some sort of other relationships going in your life. No, you probably won't be able to do everything and in fact you probably should not. However, don't become a loner. Have some people over or accept and invitation or two. Know your limits and be OK with them but find time to be with people. Keep a friend or two close.
Third, think about a way to serve someone else. Again, big, new projects are not probably wise at this point. But you can do something small, something simple to help someone else. Your church or community organization probably has a place you can volunteer or there may be a neighbor or friend who needs you to do something simple for them right now.
Accept the fact that people are going to desert you at some point, not to be mean or unkind but rather because life must go on for them. But life must continue for you, too, even if it is at a slower pace for awhile. Keep moving, never quit climbing. There is still more for you to see and do higher up the mountain.
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