If you've done any hiking or climbing in certain parts of the Colorado Rockies, you know that loose rock or what is called scree, talus or just rotten rock can abound. It's difficult and dangerous. From feeling like you are taking two steps back for every three forward to literally hurling down a mountain to one's death on it, this common hazard in the mountains is not to be taken lightly.
We were just in Aspen this summer and did some hiking up by the Maroon Bells. Interestingly there is a sign near the beginning of the summit trails that warns hikers and climbers that these peaks are extremely dangerous. One of the reasons is the bad rock that can get people into places they can't get safely down from later.
And while it's also found in numerous other climbing spots in varying forms, there can be loose rock in our life climbing too, situations that can cause us great pain and injury if we don't avoid them. Let me suggest a few.
Making decisions too soon after a death or other loss. Many people want to soothe their pain and think that a new relationship, move to a different home or job change will make them feel better. While there are a few exceptions those big decisions too early often lead to greater heartache and an avoidance of truly dealing with one's grief.
Turning a pleasure or normal action into an addiction. Another form of painkilling is when in our pain we decide to drink more, buy more, work more, study more or whatever more. While these things, not necessarily bad in and of themselves, can help us feel better for a while, they too can be destructive to us and our family. They take us away from the things that would help us most to move on in healthy ways.
Not letting others help us on our journey. Climbers will usually tell you that climbing alone is filled with dangerous possibilities. The same is true in life. The whole world doesn't need to know every particle of our emotional journey but someone does, someone other than another hurting person in our home or family who has little left in their tank. Instead, find a counselor, pastor, friend, group or mentor who will walk with you for a time. Their listening ear and perspectives will help you keep your eyes on the trail and avoid some of the other rotten rock you might encounter.
So climb on. The best way to avoid loose rock is to not go near it in the first place.
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